Awakening the Heart
Sign of Awakeness:
Open and resilient
Awakening/ Non-Dual Experiences:
One sense door, non-dual and unity consciousness, connection to all time, Universal and personal love
Outside or Edge of Comfort Zone:
Disconnection, solipsism, disharmony, loneliness, depression
Feels like you don’t belong in the world
How to Wake Up:
Connecting with experience and each other
Embracing grief and parts that are normally turned away from
Working with These Parts
Meditation concentration object: Direct knowing – how can you open to and experience more of what is here?
Element: Fire – transformation and warmth
Process of working with content in the Heart: Focusing, feeling, enjoying
People start to heal when they feel: Connected & cared about
Archetype: Warrior, Child
Practices: Concentration meditation, heart practices, tonglen, interpersonal practices, crying to sad music
Posts that discuss some of the key aspects of including the heart in your awakening
An in-depth talk (50 minutes) on open-hearted connection with all experience and a guided Jhana meditation (35 minutes)
Radical Open-Hearted Acceptance Guided Meditation Video
A guided meditation taking you on a journey through the different heart states and how we can adopt them with radical open-heartedness (40 minutes).
A short practice for getting in touch with your heart space (5 minutes)
Meditation, Meaning, Myth and Magic, with Daniel M. Ingram – Part VIII
Stories of darkness and suffering on the path, individual and collective trauma and practicing together for healing