2.1 Shadows and Golden Shadows
The shadows and golden shadows to avoid getting stuck in on the path
A lot of spiritual practice centres around cultivating more freedom, beauty, truth, love and wellbeing in the world.
This sounds beautiful, and it is, but often the things that stop people from accessing these things are shadows and being caught in subconscious double binds. There’s a risk that by focusing too intently on the positive things that your conscious mind wants, spiritual practice can take you further away from the depths and truth of experience by papering over the cracks, ignoring the difficult bits and sweeping things under the carpet. It can easily become a place for subtle or overt toxic positivity that keeps you in an addictive loop that is far from truth and love.
Embracing wholeness and including challenging stuff in experience is one of the biggest opportunities for liberation, on both an individual and collective level. This includes looking at dynamics that are often held under the surface in your subconscious and in the collective unconscious.
This section describes some of the underlying mechanisms of how the subconscious works, why it’s important to include an understanding of this in spiritual practice and some of the possibilities for opening to a wider and more whole experience when these understandings have been integrated.
You may also like to watch this short video about the drama triangle, the empowerment triangle and the mystical triangle and how different ways of relating to shadow and challenge can create reality bubbles that affect what people believe the world to be.