Nouveau Shamanic
Cinema Podcast
with Joost Vervoort
where films are portals into the depths of being
with Rosa Lewis and Joost Vervoort
For each episode we watch a movie, immerse ourselves in its themes and let it resonate through the depths of our beings. We then explore the nature of reality from this perspective and discuss how this relates to dharma.
We watched Rosa’s favourite film – the ever-magical, soul explosion Moulin Rouge!
We discuss the power of love and sincerity, romantic love as an opening force and falling in love with the whole of experience through the imaginal realm.
“Never knew, I could feel like this.
Like I’ve never seen the sky before”Christian
Once again we are joined by guest David Lassiter, this time to discuss the short film that he wrote and directed – The Opportunist. You can watch it here.
We also discuss Tár and the common themes that both films portray, of psychopathy and predatory behaviour.
I mention an imaginal meditation exercise from this retreat, by Ken Mcleod.
We went to see Francis Ford Coppola’s new film at the cinema, with guest David Lassiter, and reflected on the strange experience of watching the movie as well as the process that went into making it.
“Only in a nightmare do people stand in the moonlight”
Teresa Cicero
We host an episode of a new podcast that looks at the deeper resonances that are in video games.
For this episode we discuss Shadow of the Erdtree and the way it feels like a collective soul realm.
We talk about all the mythic resonance that overflows from this film and its archetypal depths.
“There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil.”
We do a summary of the 14 films from season one and reflect on what we have learned from recording Nouveau Shamanic Cinema so far.
“This podcast invites you into a way of relating where the world itself is innately alive and expressive”
In Paprika a machine that allows you to enter people’s dreams goes missing and everyone starts dreaming and living in the same dream world. The film inspired amazing conversations about emptiness and form; creativity and boundaries; dream work and the animistic roots of experience.
We mention Steve Aizenstat’s dream tending and River Kenna’s dream return.
“The Internet and dreams are similar. They’re areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.”
We chose this Hollywood epic as a depiction of some ideal archetypal energies including care, commitment, courage, discipline, devotion, harmony and poetics.
We discuss living like a poem, the importance of warrior energy in awakening and the expression of full masculine power.
“Awakening as the non-conflicted, grounded, multi-dimensional flow of life, from which care and kindness naturally arise”
Joost Vervoort
We watched Suspiria and describe the slow unveiling of different forms of feminine evil depicted through the metaphor of a secret witch’s coven within a dance school.
We discuss the realness of the horror it depicts, wildness and other than human morality.
“Dance everyone, dance. It’s so beautiful”
Mother Suspiriorum
We watched the Green Knight; we start by introducing the concepts of phenomenal opacity and transparency and discuss getting your head cut off as a metaphor for being in a non-dual flow state with meaning.
We engaged with this film as a soul-realm transmission about letting go of control and finding the courage to step into the flow of life.
“Well done, my brave knight. Now… Off with your head.”
The Green Knight
We watched Sunshine, with guest David Lassiter, and resonate with the themes of: life and death; opening to the full raw intensity of experience; and the importance of staying in touch with humanity on the spiritual path.
“Total light envelopes you. It becomes you.”
In this episode we watch Joost’s favourite ever horror movie, The Witch.
We discuss different forms of evil, being a black sheep, narrow-mindedness and religions acting as the rules to the game that make life worth suffering through.
“Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”
Black Phillip
In this episode we unpack the psychedelic cosmic horror film, Annihilation.
Some of the themes that emerge include reality unravelling, mandelbulbs, orienting towards naturalness and delving deeply into your inner world on the Goddess journey.
Lena: It was dreamlike.
Lomax: Nightmarish?
Lena: Not always. Sometimes it was beautiful.
We watched Dune and it inspired conversations about contrasts of realities, the Dune Universe being less sci-fi than consensus reality in some ways and working with mythic content and visualisations.
Some of the things that resonated were walking through the fire and staying with the pain to ignite a mystical connection, exploring what the core of humanity is and existential therapy for chosen ones.
“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience”
Frank Herbert
After a day of retreating together in the Netherlands, we watched Midsommar, a horror film about a cult.
We explore toxic cultures, the theatre of reality, collective hypnosis, unsupported realities and finding the antidote to all this in love and connection.
“Are you not disturbed by what we just saw?”
We watch IT, a pivotal film from Joost’s childhood, and discuss Joost’s nightmares, alternate realities, loneliness, empowerment of the feminine life-force energy and separation as a fuel for individuation.
Rosa gives some Jungian analysis of the film’s symbolism. We particularly love the theme of collective belief in each others’ realities as a force of resistance and strength.
This is IT.
In Aniara, which we watched with guest Odile Strik, a spaceship carrying settlers to Mars is knocked off course, causing the passengers to reckon with their fate as they drift endlessly into the void.
We discuss emptiness, the basic problems of being alive and who we’d like to get stuck in space with.
“Deliver me from the vision.”
Event Horizon is a cult-classic sci-fi horror film. It evokes discussions about the experiences of the depths of hell and having the capacity to love the darkness.
We also recorded a shared meditative journey where we travelled into the void together, which you can listen to at the end.
“It shows you things. Horrible things.
The dark inside me from the other place.”
Upstream Color is an American experimental science fiction film.
In this episode we get immersed in the topics of interconnection, the role of the observer and how shamanic and imaginal practice intertwines with human connection.
“A man and woman are drawn together, entangled in the life cycle of an ageless organism. Identity becomes an illusion as they struggle to assemble the loose fragments of wrecked lives.”
In the first episode we watch ‘Mandy’ starring Nicolas Cage, whom Rosa is fascinated by and who we named the podcast after.
“Cage said that, at a certain point in his career, he realized that he had developed his own method of acting, which he described as ‘Nouveau Shamanic’.”
Described as a ‘primal, psychedelic rage-scream of a movie’, Cage goes on a wild revenge-killing spree against a religious cult.
This evokes discussions on dark imaginal practice, narcissism in spirituality and what happens when you fuck with people who know what really matters in life.