Table of Contents
My work helps people realise and connect to their true nature and to open to the true nature of the Universe.
My framework describes how everyone is a living body, heart, mind and soul eco-system; and on a transcendental level this corresponds to how the Universe is an eco-system of form, relationship, consciousness and cosmos.
The content on my website takes you on a journey through the aspects of individual experience – the body, the heart, the mind and the soul. The final section is group practices.
You can read the content in order or find your own way through it. Each page and section of the website is designed to stand alone so feel free to follow your curiosity and connect with what interests you.
If you are particularly interested in imaginal practice, you can start with the imaginal practice overview page. I am also developing an awakening course and have written some short books.
Some important orientation and an introduction to my approach
Practice Guides
Body: From Dissociation to Presence
Heart: From Closed to Open
Mind: From Reification to Emptiness
Whole Being Awakening
Soul: From Control to Flow
Group Practices
For Collective Awakening
Appendix – Listen & Explore
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