Post one of three, in section For Teachers
One of the things that really strikes me about a lot of meditation retreats is both how serious and how unfocused they can be.
It seems like everyone is there to sit still on a cushion, with no particular purpose behind it. Or at the very least the purpose feels unclear and shrouded in subconscious assumptions. I believe that people need to be a bit more focused with why they are practising and what they hope the intended outcome to be.
You don’t necessarily need to set goals and targets, spirituality is no-doubt mysterious and it is important to respect that mystery, but you can still be a lot clearer about your intentions and the impact that your practice has on your wider life.
A big question that feels deeply important to at least ask is, why do people practice?
So let me ask you. Why do you practice?
If you have never considered this in depth before it is worth doing this intention setting exercise for your own practice.
Values for Teachers
There is no right or wrong way to teach people spiritual or meditative practice. There is room for all the different approaches, but what is important is that traditions and teachers are clear about what their values are so that students can make considered choices.
Spiritual practice is inherently ‘fuzzy’; the purpose is less clear than it is in things like raising a family or running a business. This is partially why it can be difficult to assess whether someone’s behaviour is appropriate and whether they are a good role-model. It’s important to be able to do this for anyone who is entrusted with a leadership position.
It’s important for teachers to consider what their values are because this is a role with such a high level of responsibility. Spiritual leaders and teachers are some of the highest respected people; they shape people’s world views and impact on people’s experiences and beliefs about themselves.
There is a huge amount of power there to either improve people’s lives or harm them. If you are a teacher and you aren’t willing to spend time considering what the outcome is of the way you are teaching on the people that you are teaching, you should really consider whether you actually want to be a teacher.
Hierarchy and Structure
It’s about time we dismantled some of the old hierarchy and structures that exist around certain types of contemplative or spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice should be in service to helping people connect with what feels true, meaningful and alive for them. When spiritual leaders are given a ‘golden ticket’ of unquestionable truth it can mean that they end up undermining other people’s truth at best and sharing messages that are either stupid or actually harmful at worst.
There are ways of working together that don’t require as much authoritarian hierarchy. In our modern world, it’s quite important to disrupt the model where teachers are generally assumed to have the answers, while students are assumed to know nothing about their own experience.
Spirituality should support people to explore and embody their own experience. The more hierarchical and traditional model can be useful for sharing certain types of information and transmissions, but it isn’t always effective at helping people really get in touch with their own experience.
If the hierarchy can be safely loosened, you may find that everyone has some wisdom to share. People learn from each other much better when it feels like a friendly space that they are welcome in. This also means there is less pressure on the teacher to know all the answers.
It can become a space in which teachers can share their wisdom and students are more empowered to take this and run with it – to incorporate it into their own development and learning. They aren’t expecting someone to be their mum or dad or to hand them all the answers. The students are stepping into their own lives and experience.
This requires a certain level of maturity from everyone involved. A stricter hierarchy and a more rigid set of teachings and ideas is useful when basic skills need to be taught or it is important to maintain a certain level of safety for both students and teachers. When there is not enough wisdom and resource in the system for people to do basic practice and hold themselves individually accountable, then the system has to support this and take some of the slack.
The system can create the structure that makes practice meaningful and the rules that help keep everyone safe and accountable.
A good sign that a system is ready for a more mature, flexible approach is whether people can move freely within it – can teachers leave, can students move between different practices, does the system have enough resiliency to withstand some set-backs without it entirely collapsing. Are the boundaries clear in a way where the students know roughly what they’re getting in for and can opt out if their desires change. If this is the case, then people can engage as mature, open individuals who are responsible for their own practice.
From here, the most important step towards less hierarchy and more clarity in spiritual practice is for everyone to think about what their intentions and values are. These can be your guiding force for how you teach, learn, practice and live.
If teachers can understand their values clearly they can communicate them to other people, which helps everyone make informed decisions about who they want to practice with and why.
Change and Fluidity
An important aspect of spiritual practice is changing the way you perceive yourself and your experience and changing your relationship to the world and others. I would hope that everyone wants that change to be meaningful. In order for this to happen you need to connect with your inner compass – the values that feel most important to you. Either as a practitioner or a teacher.
Understanding and including your deepest values also has the potential to give teachers more freedom in embodying and sharing the things that they really care about and the ways in which they really want to make a difference in the world, rather than teaching the things they think they should be teaching.
This inner compass can help you shape your teachings and be a way to hold yourself to account. When you have a clear set of values as your guiding force, you don’t need to rely on hierarchies or traditions so much.
Values also don’t require you to be in a certain role for you to be embodying them. Your values can carry across when you are learning, teaching, working, having fun or just being. They increase a sense of fluidity in the way you approach life and practice because you can see that all of these roles give you an opportunity to express and fulfil your values. Once you can see this, you get less het up about trying to get something out of people or achieve a certain level of status.
You are guided by expressing your values in the world, rather than feeling like you have fixed ideas that you want other people to adopt.
This buys the space for everyone to explore ideas together, rather than have one person dictating a concept or a way of doing things to everyone else.
One example for how values can impact what is being taught is the age-old debate about jhana practice.
For some teachers and lineages it’s super important that jhana practice is held to an incredibly high standard. There are very specific and refined ways to practice that tick all the traditional boxes. Pa Auk’s values, for example, appear to be around things like depth and rigour.
Other teachers have a much more relaxed and open definition of what a jhana is and how possible it is to attain it. An example of this is Jhourney, a tech start-up who’s aim it is to make bliss meditation available to everyone. Their values seems to be much more around things like being explorative and accessible.
The point is not that either one is right or wrong, but that it’s important to understand the differences, including the strengths and weaknesses of both, so that people can make informed choices.
Another example would be a yoga teacher who is mostly focused on helping people be fit and healthy is going to teach very differently to a yoga teacher who wants to share the profound but subtle sense of oneness that can be found through breath and asana practice. This would be reflected in their values.
I could give endless examples of this – every teacher in every style of practice is going to be bringing their own unique values into what they share with students, either subtly or overtly, so it makes sense to make this conscious.
Call to Action
In order to manifest the discovery of truth, meaning, love and freedom that a lot of spirituality talks about we need to be able to empower people to show up to their practice so that they can discover what these things mean for them.
Hierarchy can crush personal empowerment, freedom and truth. It can turn people into blind followers who need to be told what to do and think.
Learning basic skills as part of the progression of practice is important. But once people have achieved this it’s important that practice also becomes empowering for people.
And for practice to be empowering, it needs to facilitate people to make meaningful and lasting change to their own perspectives and lives. This is ultimately what it’s all about and if practice is not achieving this then something is not working.
If we want students to be able to do this, we need to be able to do this as leaders; to be able to model this behaviour to people. You need to have some passion about the things that drive you and the difference you want to make in the world. You need to empower learners to take responsibility for how they personally understand and embody things and give them space to do this, including questioning your ideas. People can hold different viewpoints and still be working harmoniously together.
Ultimately, everyone needs to be clear on their values so they know what meaningful change actually looks like to them and we can hold each other to account on it. If everyone had crystal clear values and had the capacity to show up and live their lives by them, we would live in an entirely different world. The change would be unimaginable.
There is nothing more fulfilling than finding a place in the world to express your deepest held values. When you are driven by this motivation, rather than how much you earn or what status you are, you get to learn what the word enough means. It means you can stop striving for more and more attention, resources, power or money, because you are inherently doing the things that are meaningful for you. You can move from the deepest place within you and hopefully make a difference in the world in a way that you find satisfying.
Exercise for Getting Clear on Values
This is an exercise for getting clear on your values as a teacher. It could also be used as a practitioner.
The best way to discover your values is to first expand – exploring and unpacking all the things that feel important to you – and then to simplify and focus. It’s my experience that it’s best to keep values really simple; boiled down to single words, if possible, so that rather than conceptual ideas, they are like essences that you are expressing.
You can understand your values in three layers:
- Your why
- Your how
- Your what
For each of these areas, there are some questions below to explore. Answer with specific examples and real scenarios from your life. Include lots of detail.
Then for each of the areas (why, how, what) choose two values that summarise what you have written. I have included some cards and words that may help with this below.
I have also shared my values below as an example.
Your Why
Your why is what inspires you as a person. It’s the core values that you live for. You can access these by exploring the questions, why do you practice and why do you teach?
Some questions to help you explore this:
- Remember a couple of times when you were really enjoying your practice and your life. What were you enjoying about it?
- What type of practice or activities do you feel most inspired by or drawn to? What is it about them that you love?
- What inspires you to get out of bed in the morning?
- If you could get paid to do anything, what would it be? What would the specifics of it look like?
- Who do you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
- When you are teaching or working, in what ways do you like to go above and beyond, even if no-one else would notice?
If you can get clear on your intentions, it gives you a fundamental place to move from. You will know the things in life that you find fulfilling and you can embody this through all your expressions in the world. It should feel deeply rewarding to be expressing your core values and intentions out in the world.
It will create a much richer experience for students if a teacher’s motivation is coming from their own personal passion, rather than an exterior motive.
Students are much more likely to learn quickly and make lasting change if they are moving from their deepest intentions.
Your How
Your how is about how you most naturally go about doing things; it’s about getting clear on the way you interact with people and the world.
This can be really useful for helping you find your tribe – the people that you gel well with and who have complementary approaches to yours.
Some questions to help you get clear on your approach:
- Describe a time when you really enjoyed working on something either in a team or on your own. What was it about it that you enjoyed?
- Think of a time when someone has really brought out the best in you, how did they do it?
- If you are at a party or dinner party, how do you most like to interact with people? What qualities in a person would make you really click with them?
- When you’ve felt like you were in a leadership position and nailing it, how would you describe your style?
Getting clarity on your approach can buy everyone a lot of freedom. There are lots of different ways to be a leader and none of them is inherently better or worse, it’s just different.
You don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done and it’s actually a lot better to teach or learn in a way that suits you. If you can be explicit about what this entails then you are likely to attract people who will appreciate that and you’ll be able to bring out the best in them, too.
Your What
Your what is about identifying the impact you would like to make on the world. Specifically with spirituality it’s about the outcome of your practice and your students’ practice.
Here are some questions to help you explore your desired outcomes:
- What do you feel is a really great benefit that you’ve got from your practice?
- What have been your biggest and best breakthroughs? What was the difference they made to your life?
- What feedback would you love to hear from your students or colleagues about the impact that your work or teachings have had on them?
- In what ways would you love the world to be different?
- What makes you feel really proud when you see it in a student?
Getting clear on your desired outcomes helps you to focus on what you are here to do and how you impact people rather than getting overly caught up worrying about status or how you’re perceived. It also allows you to evaluate if you are being effective.
If you can see that you’re making an impact on people in the way that you hoped, then you know you’re doing a good job. If not, you can change the way you do things.
Values Cards
You can use the cards below, this list of intention words or choose your own words.
For each of the sections – intentions, approach and desired outcomes – choose two words that you feel summarises what you have written down in answer to the questions.
These represent the core values that you move through the world with and from.
Example – My Values
To give you an example of this exercise in the real word, these are the values that came from me doing a version of this exercise.
Creativity is fundamental to my own joy in life – I am always working on creative projects and my experience of the world is very imaginal and shamanic.
Integrating the innate creativity of the cosmos into practice can fundamentally change how people experience being in the world and open up new depths of joy, compassion and wisdom.
I have always been very motivated to push the boundaries, make new discoveries, and go out of my comfort zone. When I was one, my mum described my character as “slightly reckless” and “an explorer who is always on the lookout for something new and exciting.”
Going out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to learn, and I enjoy supporting people to grow by doing this.
Fun is an important part of my approach to everything. Designing this exercise was originally a way to turn long, boring work meetings into an interesting, enjoyable process for people.
If you can make something fun, people become less rigid and less concerned with what everyone else thinks. I have found that spiritual practice that is a pleasure to take part in, even when it is hard, connects people more deeply to their experience.
My background was project management and I specialised in collaborative working.
I work with people in a non-hierarchical way that is about supporting people to step into their own power.
Things are much more meaningful, rewarding, and effective when people focus on the things that actually matter.
I’m pretty minimalist – I spend a lot of time in silence and I only have time for the things I care about most deeply.
I encourage people to get in touch with their deepest intentions and burn through all the crap that is not those things.
One of my favourite things is conversations where people relax into who they really are and stop feeling like they need to have any formality or pretence.
Practice for me is all about creating space for truth – of the nature of experience and of your deepest self.